What we focus on expands and is a magnet for the results we most want.

When we grow our confidence in something it flourishes, and spurs on new and better opportunities.

When we build our sense of worth in business we can receive infinitely more of what lights us up the most.

What if you could achieve your 1 year goals in 90 days?

When you choose me to be in your corner I’ll design a bespoke program to achieve that - and more - for a truly incomparable professional life…

I combine performance coaching (accredited), business mentoring and advisory services with a soulful approach to my delivery.

I draw from my experience as a successful entrepreneur including my own multi 6 figure launches, membership, passive income creation, ten years of award-winning brand strategy work (my previous career), my expertise as a twice published author and sought out professional speaker and global brand collaborator - both industry and mainstream - E.g. Nike, Google, Bumble, Britvic, Dove, lululemon, Yolt, Stylist Live, Womens’ Health Live and more.

I will help you curate and present a truly special and own-able message that nobody else can come close to, then put that to work to attract exactly the right paying clients, whilst harnessing the most influential channels to reach more of them.

It’s a special alchemy I have developed and it works better than any I have seen in supporting founders, companies of one and entrepreneurs realise their dreams.



Every single day my clients take giant leaps toward the extraordinary and achieve more than they dared to dream. For example:

  • Landing book deals with mainstream publishers

  • Taking huge leaps in income and increases in financial wealth

  • Successfully scaling their business for more freedom, reach, commercial return and impact

  • Crystal clear self-focus such that they never ever compare themselves to what others are doing in their industry and beyond

  • More sleep, better rest, improved wellbeing and more presence and fulfilment in their MIR’s (Most Important Relationships!)

  • Clear boundaries, a powerful sense of self-ownership and presence so they can own a room and attract the opportunities that count

  • A work/life balance meaning they flourish in and outside their work-life - on and offline

  • Unstoppable confidence that allows them to powerfully lead in all areas of their life

  • And more…

Client success stories…

“Before working with Lucy, things were good but I knew they could be better. She not only helped me untangle and let go of what was holding me back but also got me clear on my vision. I have well and truly fallen back in love with my business!” - Annie C

“Everything Lucy touches turns to gold.

She has become an invaluable advisor - not only has my business grown in ways I never even expected, I have too.” - Harri B

“I now have a clear strategy for success and am not afraid of playing big. I have now stepped into my dream career with a clear and actionable vision that feels completely me; and this is all thanks to Lucy!” - Amaeze M

A selection of speaking and workshop engagements.



  • Help you create a brand, message and online presence that’s representative of you, your personality and your style of doing business

  • Support you to identify and connect with your ideal paying customer and attract them

  • Devise and break down your strategy into plain, actionable language and steps, not just big, loose ideas that you can’t get your hands around

  • Collapse the timescale of what you think it takes to thrive in your business (or get that book deal)

  • Identify and dissolve the blocks to you achieving your dreams and goals so you can DO the thing and be the person you want to be without comparison

  • Be there. Yes. When we work together I am all in. No saving up your ideas, thoughts and needs between sessions. No hard and unmovable arrangements - I expect the expert partners that I invest in to be flexible and agile to my needs and you should too

  • Help you power up, feel ready and worthy to receive the gifts, goals and opportunities you most want to call in and experience even if you feel that kind of success is for other people

clients share In their own words…

“Even her proposal after our call gave me goosebumps… When I left my first session with Lucy I could feel something was changing… after a few weeks the shifts I could feel happening in the business are difficult to describe. I am now being seen as a specialist in my industry and the offers are flooding in!” - Naomi B

“It was so worth the wait. She is always able to come up with an answer - I can’t believe how much I got out of the program. I used to be riddled with worry and now I walk tall and TAKE UP SPACE!” - Nathan R

“We get through so much in our time together and having her on hand in between sessions is amazing. But she’s also a great laugh too and her client parties are the stuff of legend… To be welcomed into her home like family - what other coach does that?” - Jo O

No matter how niche or specialist your business, I will work with you to create a cult, irresistible personal brand so that you can join the ranks of my sought after clients regarded as change makers and the ‘ones to watch’ in their respective industries.

It’s time to take the next step.

To give a bit of detail, I work with no more than c.12 people at one time so when we work together you can be sure of my absolute focus and dedication to you, your daily business and your bigger vision too.

I operate a 'one in/one out' approach to my private client recruitment and this means I only take on a new client when someone completes or chooses not to extend again.

If you are looking to start your business or you are ready to take the one you have to the next level I would love to hear from you and completing this form is the first step - nobody else will see your responses - they come directly to me. We will then book a confidential call and from there I will create a unique proposal tailored to you, for your review.

OK, it's over to you. Thank you so much for your interest - I hope we can go on to make magic together!

Lucy x