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It’s lovely to have people interested in getting to know me better and from in my experience there are a lot of pre-conceptions about what people think Life Coaching is and isn’t so I just wanted to share this mini post to help clear up some of the questions or curiosities you may have.


Those that know me and/or read this blog will know I’m a relaxed and up beat kinda gal so this is probably one of the straighter posts you’ll ever get from me but I love to inform and educate, and facts don’t need my fairy dust, so take a look and let me know I this raises any other questions about what Life Coaching is and isn’t…


Coaching is goal focused and task orientated:

The emphasis in a coaching relationship is on action and accountability. 


Coaching is about the now and the future:

Where relevant we’ll explore the past to understand the context in which your future goals are set.  We will mainly focus on the present, in order to help create actionable strategies for achieving specific goals that move you towards the future you want.


It doesn’t take a lot to get a lot from coaching: Due to how the process flows, growth and progress are rapid and usually enjoyable.


A short term intervention: 

As a coach I can successfully be involved with a client for a short period of time, typically 3 to 6 sessions. The coaching lasts for as long as is needed, depending on the wants of the client.


Coaching is not counselling or therapy:

I will not give advice during our sessions but – and it’s a big but- the coaching exercises we use, and the questions I ask you, will unlock different perspectives, approaches and options for you. Therein lies the magic.  You have the answers in you and it’s my job to give you the time and focus to reveal these and turn them into action and doing.


Coaching allows you to ‘crack on’:

Once the agreement is signed we can begin coaching straight away and the tools and techniques used means any given topic can be worked on based on what is important to you and what brings you to the session. The models I use are flexible to serve you to activate action quickly.


Your success depends on your commitment. And ‘showing up’ for yourself:

As a coach I am responsible for the process.  As the client you’re responsible for the results.  A bit like a personal trainer can’t do the work out for you, I can’t complete your actions for you.


Checking in:

The purpose of coaching is to improve your performance in the area(s) of your life you want to see results. Once results are achieved I’m no longer needed as you’ll be all set until the next time you’d like to work with me to focus on another topic.


I hope this is helpful guys, and if you have any other queries or curiosities then just holler!


Love Lucy xx



