Welcome to the replay of the "Generation Y Not?" interview "Break-up with your break-up" with Laura Yates

In case you missed it, here's the most recent "Generation Y Not?" interview that was recorded live last Thursday evening.  For this episode I spoke with relationship coach Laura Yates and we got up-close, personal and emotional going deep on how break-ups can affect us and how we can move through the upset of a break-up to a place of healing and peace.

We spill our guts with plenty of our own stories and experiences as part of our conversation and it's clear this is no quicky, generalist 'your Top 3 tips' type of piece (deliberately so).  There is a sh*t tonne of support, guidance and advice in here that we know has worked for us and others that we have coached around this sensitive subject and rest assured you are SO NOT alone!

I hope you hear something you need to hear today in the recording and please feel free to pass this on to a pal that may need to hear about healing at the moment.

What's do you think - did we miss anything that you feel would help others?  

What's your story to share on healing a heart ache?  

Is it ever too soon to dive back into the dating game - when did you know you were 'ready'?

Please head to the comments and I'll see you there :)

Love Lucy xxx
